Breakthrough Seasons

One of my favorite parts of a biathlon season is watching the improvements that occur. There is also something really exciting about an athlete reaching their potential or finding a level that you didn’t know was even possible for them. This pieces is dedicated to those athletes who achieved that this season! Breakthroughs come inContinue reading “Breakthrough Seasons”

Oestersund 2023-2024 Recap

Women’s Athlete of the Week: Lou Jeanmonnot Ladies and gentlemen, Lou Jeanmonnot is officially here. We saw it coming last season. All summer she looked amazing. So good that after every race I would post basically the same post about how she was my pick to make a big leap this season. Well through oneContinue reading “Oestersund 2023-2024 Recap”

Italy 2023-2024 Team Preview

Ciao bella! I don’t know why but every time I start talking about the Italian team I always want to start out that way. To my knowledge I haven’t ever done it yet so now I have. And honestly it really fits. Hey, no not because Giacomel has the hair of a Fabio or thatContinue reading “Italy 2023-2024 Team Preview”